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JOSEPH ABDIN - Personal Injury Law Attorney 0 Reviews
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Joseph received his Associates degree before attending Florida International University’s Honors College on a full academic scholarship. He was a student athlete, university employee, and honors student. Joseph still managed to graduate early as a double major in both international business and business management. He made the Dean’s list every semester until graduating with the highest academic distinction, summa cum laude. Joseph’s performance awarded him a scholarship to attend Florida State College of Law. Based on his performance and recognition by his professors, Joseph received two book awards. He was a member of the animal, tax, and business law organizations. He once again graduated and passed the Bar early. While in law school Joseph worked at two prominent personal injury firms, NextEra Energy/Florida Power & Light, and the Florida Supreme Court. A Fortune 200 company and included in the S&P 100 index, Joseph worked for NextEra’s in-house corporate governance legal team. When he was working at the highest court in the state of Florida, he also assisted in establishing the new Fellows Program that is now in place. As a certified personal trainer, Joseph is very familiar with human anatomy and injury. Upon graduating, he continued working in personal injury, until appearing in a TV series and multiple media outlets.

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