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JOSE BAEZ - Criminal Law Attorney
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Few trial lawyers have ascended to national prominence as quickly and spectacularly as Jose Baez. Known for his passion, hard work and brilliant courtroom strategies, Jose Baez has brought a new hard-hitting style of trial work to the courtroom. Baez’s practice has a particular emphasis on representing clients in complex and high-profile criminal and civil cases. However, many of Mr. Baez’s successes never make it into the spotlight as he has represented celebrities and athletes who prefer anonymity. This is where his knowledge and experience with the media helps best serve his clients. Few lawyers understand the importance of media relations and its inner workings. Mr. Baez has gained extensive experience in successfully defending scientifically and medically intensive criminal and civil cases. He has worked on issues including shaken baby syndrome, pediatric head injuries, sexual assault cases with medical evidence, and cases involving DNA evidence. Additionally, his experience extends to civil cases that involve suing some of the biggest insurance companies in the country. Once called “the most hated lawyer in America”, Jose A. Baez wears that title like a badge of honor. Despite personal criticism, serving his clients is his highest priority.

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