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ADAM TRACY - Consultant Attorney 1 Reviews
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As an accomplished entrepreneur and risk consultant to high risk enterprises and stakeholders, Adam Tracy has proven himself as a results oriented, decisive leader with proven success advising startups, early market entrants, technology adapters, as well as established market participants across a wide range of verticals. Adam’s attack-first personality allows him to excel in dynamic, demanding environments including complex corporate negotiations, distressed environments and regulatory licensing proceedings.
In addition, Adam S. Tracy also has a successful track record founding various high risk industry ventures, building and leading cross-functional teams, and spearheading diverse corporate transactions. A serial entrepreneur, Adam has successfully started and created exits across a wide swath of markets, including various blockchain ventures, peer-to-peer payment systems, and e-commerce platforms. Moreover, as a recognized expert in the payments field, Adam has been deeply engaged in blockchain and cryptocurrency since 2012.

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